Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is a whimsical story of a young girl who tumbles down a rabbit hole, entering a fantasy world filled with zany characters and peculiar happenings. Follow her as she embarks on the adventure of a lifetime and interacts with the frantic White Rabbit, a very unusual Caterpillar, the quick-tempered Queen of Hearts, and the eccentric Mad Hatter. This story has mesmerized readers all over the world for generations and has been depicted many ways in print, film, toys, games, and amusement parks. This classic edition includes John Tenniel's beautiful illustrations.
Note: This original version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is published in Noah Text®, a proprietary evidenced-based method of presenting text. Noah Text® highlights critical word patterns to help struggling readers, striving readers, those with dyslexia, and English language-learners read with increased fluency, accuracy, stamina, and confidence, while building reading skill.
Publisher: Noah Text, LLC
Length: 164 pages
Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Lexile measure: 870L
Reading level: grade 4-5