This special series of Noah Text® books is adapted from Readeezy’s digital library for adolescent, teen, and young adult readers. The titles in this collection are enhanced with high-quality color illustrations.
How a Dog Saved My Life: A normal school day “explodes” into a disaster for Bobby when firecrackers are set off in the hallway. Read how a dog becomes the answer to his problems!
Note: This original version of How a Dog Saved My Life is published in Noah Text®, a proprietary evidenced-based method of presenting text. Noah Text® highlights critical word patterns to help struggling readers, striving readers, those with dyslexia, and English language-learners read with increased fluency, accuracy, stamina, and confidence, while building reading skill.
Publisher: Noah Text, LLC
Author: Debbie Schrack
Length: 98 pages
Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
Interest level: MS/HS
Lexile measure: HL560L
Reading level: grade 3-4