This coming-of-age series is about an offbeat, imaginative kid named Frank who is given the extraordinary ability to travel through time during his adolescent/young adult years. Frank’s travels enable him to see connections between the past and present, providing a glimpse into the wonders of life and the significance of kindness, empathy, friendship, and family. The messages conveyed in this series are universal and meaningful to people of all ages.
Book One: The Early Years, Follow Frank through seventh and eighth grade as he discovers a mystical staircase that allows him to travel back in time. Is he going mad, as he seriously wonders, or is there something magical at hand?
Book Two: The Middle Years, Follow Frank through his first two years of high school and find out what his travels reveal about the adults around him, and what they don’t.
Book Three: The Later Years, Follow Frank through his last two years of high school and his first year of college. See how the magic from his travels starts to merge into his everyday existence, helping him through some very serious life struggles.
Note: This original version of The Mystical Years of Franklin Noah Peterson is published in Noah Text®, a proprietary evidenced-based method of presenting text. Noah Text® highlights critical word patterns to help struggling readers, striving readers, those with dyslexia, and English language-learners read with increased fluency, accuracy, stamina, and confidence, while building reading skill.
Publisher: Noah Text, LLC
Author: Sarah K. Blodgett
Length: 102 pages
Trim size: 5.0 x 8.0 inches
Written for ages 10 to adult.
Lexile measure: 770L
Reading level: grade 4-6
Reviews: “Blodgett’s use of Noah Text in the books she writes helps the struggling reader jump aboard with his peers, while reading a chapter book, and ends the cycle of him being left behind. I am extremely pleased with how Noah Text helps the struggling reader come into his own as a proficient reader. My son was quite pleased being able to read through the chapter book series on his own. He also enjoyed the story. I only hope Blodgett continues to author more books using Noah Text or can translate some pre-existing titles, so more children may enjoy the stories.” Jennifer Smeltser, The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, The Trade Magazine for Homeschooling Families
“In my reading class we just finished your series The Mystical Years of Franklin Noah Peterson and my class absolutely loved it, mostly me. All of us read it faster than any other period our teacher teaches! Noah Text really helped me read. Being someone who has dyslexia and had cancer when they were two, it’s hard to find books that are easy for me to read!” Middle School Student with Dyslexia